Sunday, February 03, 2008

snow day #2- dad gets to play

David came home and right away got dragged outside
he blew up the igloo
started a fire
let the boys shovel off the roof
let me just say, it is so awsome raising your kids in the home you grew up in! I got choked up taking this picture of Sky because that was me up there with my brother and dad(grandpa) 30 years ago. Everytime I see them doing things I did and loved doing it makes heart smile!
then we headed down town after having dinner at the soupbox recommended by Leslie, 12 soups everyday yum. then on to the river for fireworks where we met up with some great people to watch with.this picture is uncle Gladdy holding Gray
B and Sky and let me say other than the fireworks you light in your back yard this was the closest I have ever been to them it was bright and loud and totally cool!
our party of friends
so when we got to the river we walked over to the tent of the radio station sponsoring the show to see if they had those cool 3d glasses, they didn't but they DID have 6 tickets FREE for us to walk right over to the theater and see the Hannah Montana concert movie only in theaters for a week we came to learn! oh yeah $90 of tickets for free! we were parked at a meter so we gave it another quarter and walked in to the show. booyah 50 cent night!
so it was a 3 D movie, cool, and it was 90% full of girls under 9. The movie was great it followed her doing a concert which ment we got to hear a ton of music, David exspecially liked the base player, you know us we love music . However what we didn't expect was that the girls in the theater thought it really was the concert and were dancing in the isle with glow sticks, singing as loud as can be, screaming when the Jonas brothers came on (every time) it was unbelievable. I have never seen anything like it. but the movie it's self was great and FREE!

then we went over to millenium park to see the ice art, which was our original plan to do after fire works, it was interesting as you can see. I was expecting more like sculptures so you can see it is not. this is the lake side

this is the bean side
we like this side better. it is supposed to be up all month and change as it melts. So I guess just the color will change . you can see that the entire section is one big cooling coil, which explains how it can stay a month. there is also a warming tent with activities but it was closed by the time we arrived. It is worth seeing but don't plan a day around it, do it after fire works by the river at 6:30 every sat. in Feb. on the river. find a meter and have yourself a 50 cent night!

1 comment:

WML said...

Another full day! We can't wait to get downtown next Saturday!