Friday, September 28, 2007

My little photographer

so I was down loading B's photos tonight and was surprised at how many of them made me smile. I posted my fav's hope they make you smile as well.
I love green eggs and ham!

on a side note, we have done fun things for those of you who check daily. But some weeks having 4 kids is hard and this was one for me. nothing dramatic or bad DON'T CALL David to ask if I'm ok! I am! I'm just BUSY with my home and 4 babies.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

the zoo in may.

while we were at Chris R. grad. wendy watched the kids at the zoo and these are some lost but now found cute pic's.

saige was not there, not being camera shy.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

uncle and nephew play.

our band was asked to play at a neighborhood block party by church. our regular drummer ,or his back up couldn't be there. So it was Ryan to the rescue! we made a hit in the hood!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

This is the honest truth!

our family has been yearning to get back to Disney, probably since 2 of our families were just there, so today we pulled out every Disney album we have to relive the joy. Well here they are all Disney, its the honest truth! (If you are wondering how many albums does she actually have? well I counted 89 however I haven't put photos in an album since Feb. so there you go, and we do actually look at them like tonight, all disney all night.)

starting to hear wedding bells!

Kyle and Jenny's Bethel shower. you will see it was a lodgey feel.

Liv is ready to come over and play.
a great night was had!

sept.7 & 8 peoria meet.

As always a fun time with the friars. we stayed in the beautiful Super 8 hotel. ate Peorias finest stakes, and watched our favorite runners go.
this is how we ended our day, it was HOT! F-U-N.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

9/4/07 First day of school

St. Davids academy for higher learning is now in session.You will see Gray had to get in the picture.
and sixth. and we are officialy back on a schedule

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Labor day spent well

with 2 adults and 8 kids we had a fantastic time at our favorite zoo. We began the day by getting soaked.
lovin the camera
petting the sand boa very brave
for about a minute we couldn't find Gray, where was he, between 2 trash cans where else? he is quick as lightning maybe he will be our runner.

lovin rock candy!

what better way to end the day than with swimming, fire and smores yum.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Get your self a venti drink this might take a while!

well I sat down to catch up and wow I take good pictures. So I am calling it a nice selection for those of you who couldn't be there. But a WARNING you will see many, many of my little flower girl! so be ready for it. This was an awsome day Abbie was gorgeous and bursting with smiles, and Olivia, well she was born for this role I think. All in all it was fabulous as you will see, but be ready for plenly of documentation of the day. I couldn't help it! Enjoy all!

The practice

Abbie and Olivia had a date to make the "flowers"

we are ready!

The Big Day!

we began the day by visiting Abbie and the girls at the salon. The hair lady remembered Olivia from Brookes wedding.
Liv made a special note for Abbie for the day.
then we went back to Brookes to do our hair ( liv didn't want to have it done again she wanted me to do it yikes!)
all done.

ready and at church

not sure why but I think this one is cute.she's listening to U2, beautiful day, in case you are wondering, so cute.
Olivia set this picture up, lovely.
Bethel girls!
" your getting married! "
the beautiful flower girls

I just like this one.
yeah crocks!
those are 2 happy girls
very nice
there they are the flower girls and ring boy.

look closely you will see what Liv was doing while on the stage. I think she waved at everyone she knew which most of the church. but how can you get mad at that face?

1 flower girl and ring boy. a handsome pair I say.
I think she was born for the part.
Mr. & Mrs. Olson