Tuesday, August 05, 2008

the northwest side of chicago...

so the news said we were hit hardest with last nights storms, 3000 trees down. Well I believe it and here is one of them. If you look close you will see the light pole and a blue jeep under there, with only half of the tree.
we were not without trouble either. With David at the firehouse ,always happens, we took in 6" of water to the basement. Power was out so with flashlights in hand me and the 3 oldest worked for 1 1/2 hours to try and keep the water from getting in or to go down once the rain stopped all surrounded by unbelievable lightning and thunder. As the storm started at 11pm I was laying in bed praying that if something did happen that God would help me remain calm and think clearly to keep us all safe. Well 15 minutes later I was put to the test I had one almost uncool moment but with B's help and encouragement we didn't loose anything. How blessed I am to have him when Dave's away. Could have been way worse thank you God it wasn't, all are safe.

1 comment:

WML said...

It is so awesome that B & Sky and Livs were willing to get out of their comfy beds and work in the middle of the night. I am glad nothing got ruined.