Sunday, April 08, 2007

It's Easter Sunday!

sorry I forgot to turn this one.So I am so sad because I had this great picture to show you all that Kendell took of Gray and some how in the coarse of today it got DELETED. I am more than unhappy. so let me set the scene for you. there was no sunday school program at Bethel this year instead only the little kids went first in the 11 o'clock service to do the regular thing. I was worried Gray would not say his piece, he had had a hard morning. so he got up on stage, great not crying were doing ok, but he's all the way at the end so well wait and see. when to my surprise there infront of oh 400 plus, the entire church was FULL, he begins to pick up his shirt and show everyone his belly button. oh and not just once we got about 7,8 views of great news he did say his piece"but big enouph to say" so we did on a happy note. so not sure should I keep him off the stage for fear of what might be shown next, or just keep the video running and hope for the best?
the annual candy hunt.

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