Tuesday, June 05, 2007

big boy

so one day last week Gray showed up at my bed and said with a huge smile " look mom I'm up" meaning to say look mom I climbed out of my bed. well now that he had it figured out he wasn't about to stay in. so we took off the front to make it a toddler bed.
"hooray a big boy bed" well even after saying this to him 100x he wasn't sure of it. Infact what is not pictured is him finally going to sleep at 10:00 in the pack and play. He hates the "broken bed" he "loves his baby bed" poor guy, but I don't feel it's very safe to have him freely climbing in and out of the crib. so for now we will cross our fingers and keep saying hooray a big boy bed.

1 comment:

WML said...

Gray, Hip, Hip, Hooray! A big guy bed is so special.